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where can i find the music? sounds really nice and p fun game in general, being able to make the ball literally go mach speed in the corner is hella fun

Really cool! I enjoyed it a lot. I really like the art style you chose to go with.

Nice, I love this little game. The last point of the round was nutz, the other goat got the ball wedged on top of him and the top edge of the map and the speed rocketed. The ball went mock5 and I somehow won that round. Pretty sure this could've been a game breaking glitch, but I loved it all the same.

thanks for playing, i appreciate it ! that bug rocks lol. its a result of using capsules as colliders instead of rectangles, + i didnt use move_and_collide for the goats i just changed their position variable by myself. i fixed it but i left the whole "ball getting stuck" thing in because i thought it was a funny way to force the ball to gain speed. in 1.1 you can actually softlock by pushing the ball straight out of the field, that's why i added the ESC key to return to the menu! love game development

nice game!
